230 Rhode Island Ave, Fall River, MA 02724
Alpha Dental Fall River is where Dr. Munal Salem began his remarkable career over twenty years ago, making Fall River his home. Today, his practice has expanded to over eighteen locations across Southeastern Massachusetts and Rhode Island.
Alpha Dental Fall River inspires clients to take good care of their teeth – from toddlers to parents and senior citizens. We offer friendly staff, and dentists trained in the latest techniques in improving and repairing or replacing teeth.
Our office is easy to find, fully handicap accessible, and designed for your comfort. With a bilingual team and a focus on personalized care, we provide dental solutions that fit your needs, goals, and budget. Equipped with the latest techniques and modern dental technology, our dentists deliver precise diagnoses and effective treatments to keep your smile healthy and beautiful.
At Alpha Dental Fall River, we know that healthy teeth are key to overall wellness. We offer expert care for patients of all ages—from toddlers to seniors—in a friendly, welcoming environment. Whether you need a cavity filled, a broken tooth repaired, or a missing tooth replaced, we’re here for you. Concerned about your smile’s appearance? We also offer teeth whitening and alignment options to help you look and feel your best.
When it comes to your smile, you can count on Alpha Dental Fall River. Let us help you shine!
Same day appointments, convenient evening hours available.
We know you have many choices when choosing a Dentist in Whitman, MA so we have made requesting an appointment a simple process via our Web site. If, for any reason you cannot keep a scheduled appointment, or will be delayed, please call us as soon as possible.
For the quality treatment and care that you and your family deserve, contact us today at (508) 646-9600.
We accept most traditional insurance plans, contact our office to verify acceptance of your plan. We does not participate in Health Management Organizations; however, we will be happy to file your insurance claims for you. We accept checks, cash or credit cards. We also offer a flexible payment plan. Please see our Financial Coordinator for details. We are happy to file insurance for your reimbursement as long as you are free to choose your own dentist.
We accept most insurance and credit cards. We also offer a flexible payment plan. Please see our Financial Coordinator for details. We are happy to file insurance for your reimbursement as long as you are free to choose your own dentist.
CareCredit is here to help you pay for treatments and procedures your insurance doesn’t cover. We offer No Interest* financing or low minimum monthly payment options so you can get what you want, when you want it. You can even use CareCredit for your family and favorite pet. With three simple steps, including an instant approval process, it’s easy to apply for CareCredit. After you’re approved, you’re free to use CareCredit for the services you choose including LASIK, veterinary, dentistry, cosmetic, hearing aids and more.
CareCredit is endorsed by some of the most credible organizations specific to each healthcare profession we support. And CareCredit is a GE Money Company, so you know you can count on us. For over 20 years, we’ve been helping over five million cardholders get the healthcare treatments they want and need.